Build It. Do It. Start It.

Build It.   Start it.   Do It.


Steps You Can Take Right Now

“In an uncertain present, old strategies sink the future.”

Talk about a case study in the work of renovation, Joshua following Moses is a good study. Every renovating pastor serves in the shadow of a former pastor.  Unless you are a church planter, you will not be the first guy on the scene.

We, like Joshua, follow the work of someone before us.

From Joshua we learn timeless principles that can help us all kick-start a new work in an existing church.

From the words of God to Joshua, we learn how to navigate the process of turning people around and focusing them back on their mission.

Every church that needs a “major change effort” has leadership who waited too long to make change.

Radical change means you’ve been out of touch with reality too long. You’ve been hoping the past will return to validate obsolete strategies and methods.

“In an uncertain present, old strategies sink the future.”

 Let’s Build It – Do It – Start It

5 Steps You Can Take Right Now


Step 1. Profound Step of Humility

Humble Leaders care about building the future. Arrogant leaders care about protecting the past.

Trying harder at things that do not work only gets you more stuck.

Honor the past – then read it’s obituary.

Humility enables brutal honesty – “Moses is dead.”

Humility allows leaders to evaluate the future based on purpose not the past.


Humility asks:

1 – Why are we here?

2 – What are we doing that impacts the future?

3 – What are we doing that distracts and/or detracts from the mission?

Step 2. The “Looking Forward” Step of Curiosity

“Denial puts the work of renewal on hold.” Gary Hamel


Curiosity Questions:

What does the future look like?

Where will your church be in 10 years?

How many alternatives can we design to replace current “things”?

How are we investing in the future?

“If the horse is dead, dismount.”  Adrian Rogers


Try to build a “let’s try stuff” mentality in your church.

Was the ark ever done before? Had the waters ever been parted?

Was walking on water and raising the dead common practices?

Try Stuff


Prayer, planning and preparation are necessary; but there comes a time for action. Do you recall Joshua 1:3? The promise was activated as steps of faith were taken. Steps of faith are steps of action. This is when you begin to call for action. The first step is always the hardest. Decide what the first step will be. Nonetheless, take a step.

Step 3. Unknown Step of Clarity

 Let’s be clear about clarity…

This isn’t always clarity about the answers, or details. The clarity is often the need to take a step of faith.

A step of faith helps us start doing something.

A little doing is better than a lot of talking.

What would you like to try that might make things better?

“If things are entirely clear all the time it’s less likely you’ll have a breakthrough.” Soren Kaplan.


Step 4. Bold Step of Certainty

 This is a step of conviction. It’s about boldness and passion.

Leadership takes courage and conviction. The hardest thing I have ever done is the work of renovation. Facing reality and taking steps of faith in a church body that believes they are okay is a tough work. There have been many weeks where I have wanted to run and hide. In Joshua 1:5, God guarantees three things: (1) His Person – “I will be with you,” (2) His Power – “I will not fail you,” and (3) His Presence – “I will not forsake you.”

Joshua’s success was not based on his resume, but on God’s guarantee!

Leadership takes courage. Paul encouraged Timothy not to be timid. Timidity is a disease. Timidity is contagious. Fight the battles in prayer. Enable and empower the people through worship. Equip them in preaching and in small group teaching.

Plans aren’t decisions.  Firmly held conviction help us firmly plant our feet.

Delay brings doubt to life.

Make a decision that’s small enough to be actionable today. Courage emerges as you move forward, not before.


 Step 5. Creative Step of Novelty

New, challenging actions steps always impact behaviors.

Innovation – a new thing – a new ministry doesn’t have to be a disruptor.

Define the new thing.

Example:  The Ark: Hey God wants to build a floating zoo. Or, God is saving man kind and He has chosen us to build a boat and give humanity a chance to be saved.

Remember: Ideas not money are the tool that builds the new.

You don’t need “more” create something new. Often new is born out of scarcity.

Most of all: Bring yourself to the challenge.

Listen: Imagination ignites enthusiasm. When people get enthused they get involved and committed.

What are the waters we need to part?

What is our ark that needs to be built?

What opportunities can only God resurrect?

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